Good News! Dr. Willie Ong, Ibinunyag ang 'Miracle Cure' Laban sa COVID-19

Coronavirus has already surpassed more than 3 million cases worldwide. According to experts, that alarming figure is expected to rise until we finally discover a viable vaccine. Because of this, the brightest minds from all over the world are working together to find a cure fast, and their efforts seem to be paying off.

In a bid to find the COVID-19 vaccine, experts have tested several drugs and medications which have worked in anti-viral cases before. While most of the results came back disappointing, some medications showed potential as COVID-19 treatment.

Dr. Willie Ong, a renowned medical practitioner from the Philippines, recently made an informative video about one of the trial drugs. In his latest video, Dr. Willie Ong discussed the drug remdesivir, which has been recommended by the World Health Organization as a potential cure for coronavirus.

Remdesivir has taken the place of hydroxychloroquine, which was initially believed to be the miracle cure for COVID-19. Researchers from the U.S. government-run trial found out that Remdesivir may hold the key in COVID-19 cure.

While this drug doesn't necessarily cure COVID-19, it helps to ease the recovery times for the patients. The executive director of the WHO, Dr. Mike Ryan, revealed that there's 'signals of hope there for the potential use of the drug.'

More testing is required before finally approving Remdesivir for public use. As of now, the United States government has approved it for emergency use only. More clinical trials are needed to test the effectiveness and the safety of this drug for all COVID-19 patients.

For more information, watch Dr. Willie Ong's explanation below:

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Good News! Dr. Willie Ong, Ibinunyag ang 'Miracle Cure' Laban sa COVID-19 Good News! Dr. Willie Ong, Ibinunyag ang 'Miracle Cure' Laban sa COVID-19 Reviewed by Publisher on May 05, 2020 Rating: 5